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In the Event of an Accident

In the event of an Accident:

  1. STOP! You are required by law to stop in the event of an accident.
  2. Notify Emergency services in the event of any personal injuries or if either vehicle is obstructing the road.  Record log number
  3. DO NOT admit liability under ANY circumstances to anyone
  4. Obtain the following details from the other party/parties including witnesses:  Name, address/email and phone number/mobile;  Vehicle registration number, make, model and  colour; Insurance details / fleet / accident management company (policy numbers if possible)
  5. Take images of accident on mobile phone/camera for clarity


Fraudulent Motor Claims

Insurers have launched a national database to fight motor insurance fraud. It will hold the details of all vehicle that have been written off or reported stolen, along with more than six million claims.

The database, which will be run by the vehicle information experts HPI, hopes to make it easier for insurance companies to expose fraudulent claims. A common problem that the database will tackle is people taking out the cover with more than one insurance company and then trying to claim from them all. The system has already proved its worth by picking out a man who insured his car with 11 different companies and attempted to claim £34,000 after a crash he engineered himself.