Your One stop shop solution
Marshall Panelcraft Ltd
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Fast Track Repair Service


We have realised that the repair process has changed and many of the claims are resulting in smaller repairs, this is more apparent on urban roads as the effect of low speed impact, speed camera and crash avoidance systems on vehicles. We have resolved this issue by adopting a different process and reducing the customers need for a courtesy vehicle:


One Stop Shop


Marshall Panelcraft are fully committed to provide a full range of services to meet all of our customers needs. We have carried out extensive research within our area and local community and have realised that there are very few companies that meet this offering.


We aim to provide our customers with an overall service that offers a full solution to mobility. We realise that the motor vehicle and transportation is vital to everybody as part of their busy lifestyles and work commitments. We are also actively looking at ways of giving greater value within our extensive range of products as we realise the current difficult economic climate is not generating confidence when it comes to the consumer and spending.